WHO / www.who.org
World Health Organization
WCPT / www.wcpt.org
World Confederation for Physical Therapy
CLAFK / www.clafk.net
Confederación Latino Americana de Fisioterapia y
ISEAPT | www.wcpt.org/iseapt
International Society of Electrophysical Agentes in Physical
IOPTWH | www.ioptwh.org
International Organization of Physical Therapists in
Women’s Health
IFOMPT | http://www.ifompt.com/
International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative
Physical Therapists
IPTOP | http://www.wcpt.org/iptop
International Association of Physical Therapists working
with Older People
IAAPT | http://www.wcpt.org/iaapt
International Acupuncture Association of Physical
APTA / www.apta.org
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
CKCH / www.ckch.cl
Colegio de Kinesiólogos de Chile A.G.
ABRAFIDEF / http://www.abrafidef.com.br
Asociación Brasileira de Fisioterapia Dermatofuncional